Humanity failed?

Humanity dies everyday, but we wake up from our sleep only when such death is trending. This isn't a rant. This is maybe, a mirror to all of us.


"Humanity has failed today" Just Stop. First of all, humanity fails every second. Only the "trending" failure is caught by our vision. Rest is ignored or we just deny to acknowledge and accept it because we pick up sides. We all believe in different faiths and ideologies. When our ideology is responsible for the death of humanity, we intentionally or unintentionally stand firm on our decision of not believing the other side. We all are hypocrites, I hope we know this by now. We love to be all righteous on social media, show how concerned we are, start hashtags, we outrage pretty much every day. Animals are killed every second in this world, every day since years. But we don't outrage every day. We don't ask for justice. We have even decided what all animals are worthy of justice in our 1080 x 1920 Instagram stories and 280 characters of tweet. 

We love calling others out until the accusing finger stops on us. Then we know how to defend ourselves, very well. We wish to change the macro - environment (outside world) without peeping into micro environment (the soul inside). This is why daily introspection is important. You get to realize : all the wrong causes or people you supported, all the rude things you said to other people because you thought your opinion was superior, all the wrong people you blamed, wrong ideologies you backed up and how severe was the impact of your early and mindless judgement on those who were innocent. Eg - social media trials.


                                 Image from Be An Addict of Introspection in Orange Space, Medium

It's very difficult to accept that you too are a flawed human being, but that's how humans are. We keep learning and evolving only if we don't stick firmly to our all perceptions. Challenging your thoughts is the desirable thing to do at times. Even the most learned of us, those who think they have best knowledge of what's just and fair - fail to form the right opinions. "A" believes in women empowerment and even practices it honestly but exploits her maid, is rude and disrespectful to her because she's poor. "A" might be true believer and executioner of feminism while being a classiest jerk. The former doesn't defend the latter. We all have that "latter" jerk inside us. 

What we do is : the opposite, when the one we support chooses to do adharma - we often ignore them being a jerk. But when someone we hate, does it, we become righteous again on social media. We keep buying all the ideologies being sold to us by some "activists", journalists, religious leaders or politicians - WITHOUT our own sense of judgement. Yes, those of us who introspect, we view the acts as right and wrong and not right and left. If not anything it makes us an empathetic person, someone who doesn't react immediately. I know I am a flawed human being too - but that's the catch : I know I'm a flawed human being. 


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